The video has sparked calls for the embassy to be removed from Twitter. The Russian Embassy's latest video appears to be a shameful attempt to smear the country of Ukraine - which has a Jewish president - along with the people who defend it as fascists. Russian despot Vladimir Putin has used the existence of far-right pockets in Ukraine to justify his illegal invasion of the country, claiming to be on a righteous crusade to 'de-Nazify' the region. What follows is a series of picture comparisons, showing images of WW2-era Nazis beside modern-day Ukrainians - many of whom bear the Nazi-linked 'black sun' and 'wolfsangel' symbols, used by the country's Azov Battalion. One of those present is a soldier from the Ukrainian Liberation Army (YBB) - Ukrainian units fighting alongside the Germans - seen shaking hands with Goebbels.
The embassy posted a video on Twitter with the caption 'Who are YOU supporting?', showing Nazy Germany's chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels meeting with foreign volunteer battalions in December 1944. Russia's London embassy has sparked fury after releasing a propaganda video smearing Ukraine as Nazis to justify Moscow's war of aggression.